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Real Assistance for People who want their lives to change.
I donate 10% of the profits of my business to the following non-profit programs. This I feel is the best way I can serve to reduce crime and violence in the world.

Some of my family friends went to this camp, and had AMAZING changes happen in their lives.

All of the kids but one went to this camp for various problems -- anger
issues, drug problems, and recovering from rape.

It has assisted their family soooooo much!!!! :) I definitely recommend this
program! :)

It will assist in more fully recovering from sex abuse issues, the gaining of
self esteem (the raped girl of that family said she never felt so beautiful
as she did there -- sunburnt and dirty!), and get rid of whiny, victim
attitudes, and thoughts of suicide.

This program is awesome! And the son of the family I was talking about
actually worked there after he was through with the program and therapy. He
believed in the program THAT much.


Here are some videos of people's experiences there.

A site for male survivors of sexual abuse.

This is something I stumbled across, and have been thoroughly
impressed with.
A though there are many abused people who never become abusers,
there are unfortunately many who do.
Most of the abuse is kids abusing younger kids and I have actually
worked with perpetrators 18 and younger.
I really feel this site is one that can truly assist men which in
turn assists the women
and children around them, whether they are victims only or abusers as well.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) was originally designed to reduce the psychotherapy process from months and years down to minutes and hours. From there it was discovered that astonishing physical healing also occurred. Symptoms faded for everything from Migraine Headaches to Cancer. Complete details are given on the EFT website HERE. It often works where nothing else will.
Watch the new EFT video
To get the free EFT manual, click here! :)

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© Eldra McCracken